Aims of Religious Education
The aim of Religious Education is to endeavour to help children become aware of God’s presence and action in their lives and to have a personal relationship with him.
The Religious Education of our children aims to promote:
- knowledge and understanding of catholic faith and life.
- knowledge and understanding of the response of faith.
- the ultimate questions about human life, it’s origin and purpose.
- the skills required to engage in examination of and reflection upon religious belief and practice.
Scheme used for teaching
In school we use the Resource Framework for Religious Education in Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Westminster which is produced by Dr. Margaret Carswell. This particular approach to teaching Religious Education allows for the children to gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with God. There is a great emphasis placed on not only hearing and understanding scripture but also making links with it and their own lives today. A great deal of work is covered on encouraging children to reflect on scripture and notice how, because of these words, we make certain choices about how we live our lives. This form of teaching allows us as a school to drive forwards our children’s religious literacy, a particular focus of the Diocese.
Click here to see the three-year curriculum cycle for Religious Education at St. Dominic’s.
Children’s Recording
Each year group has a special Religious education book in which work is recorded helping pupils to seek meaning and develop understanding. This will document the work carried out in all topics through observations, examples of work, photographs and any other evidence that is deemed relevant.
In EYFS it is expected that there will be four pieces of work per topic.
In Key Stage 1 it is expected that there will be at least four to five pieces of recorded work in the books per topic.
For Key Stage 2 there should be at least five to six pieces of written work recorded in the books per topic.
There should also be other pieces of work recorded through photographs, art/drama work or work for displays.